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All classes are held in Zoe's own Studio 7, East Quay, Watchet, Somerset, TA23 0AQ 
Classes can be booked directly with Zoe here 
A minimum booking of two people is required in each class.

Exploring Watercolours

A practical introduction to painting with watercolours; preparing paper and masking techniques, testing different papers, experimenting with a variety of watercolour mediums, understanding colour theory, exploring practical techniques. A short course designed to build confidence in the fundamentals of watercolour painting.

Hosted in the friendly environment of Zoe’s own art studio, with all materials provided and artwork to keep.

Exploring Acrylics

A experimental introduction to painting with acrylics; examining tools, analysing brands, choosing surfaces, experimenting with a variety of acrylic mediums including pens and aerosols, exploring practical techniques, understanding colour theory, toning and tinting, and painting a simple still-life studies and methods of caring for equipment. A short course designed to encourage experimentation in the fundamentals of painting in acrylics.

Hosted in the friendly environment of Zoe’s own art studio with all materials provided and artwork to keep.

Exploring Oils

A thorough introduction to painting with oils; choosing surfaces, exploring practical techniques, solvents and mediums, considering sustainable practise, understanding colour theory, layering, and painting a simple still-life study. A short course designed to encourage confidence in the fundamentals of oil-painting. 

Hosted in the friendly environment of Zoe’s own art studio with all materials provided and artwork to keep.

Exploring Oils

Exploring Charcoal 

A explorative introduction to sketching with charcoal; choosing papers, selecting tools, learning posture and grip, practical experience of compressed, willow and powdered samples, practising chiaroscuro and white chalk highlighting, blocking, toning, shading, blending stumps, layering, kneaded erasers, contrast, definition and fixatives. A short course designed to provide experience in the fundamentals of charcoal sketching.

Hosted in the friendly environment of Zoe’s own art studio with all materials provided and artwork to keep.


Friday Drawing Clubs - Introductory Courses In Drawing


An introduction to drawing skills for absolute beginners in Zoe’s own art studio. Exploring ellipses, contours, light sources, negative space, modelling and shading, materiality, and still-life composition. Explores the theory of drawing on the creative side of the brain with fun practical exercises and experiments that encourage flow. Bring a large sketchbook and 4B+ pencils.


The follow-on course for beginners wanting to build confidence in fundamental drawing skills. Introducing simple perspective and measuring methods by observing still-life, East Quay architecture and local landscape. Some outdoor observations will be offered around East Quay in good weather. Bring a large sketchbook and 4B+ pencils.


Guided figurative drawing studies with a live model, exploring the theory and practical experience of measuring, proportion and composition. Offers an introduction to gesture, form and anatomy. Bring a large sketchbook and 4B+ pencils.

Life Drawing

 Life Drawing 

Open to all levels of experience, from beginners to professionals. A live model will provide several different poses each session for you to study and sketch. These are untutored sessions, complementing Friday Drawing Clubs, in a calm and private studio environment.

Bring a large sketchbook and pencils (no easels).

Life Drawing Class

Feedback from Autumn Classes 2023:

Exploring Watercolour


Life Drawing

All content Zoe Snape 2025. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting are prohibited and will constitute an infringement of copyright.